CS2 Sponsor: A preview to the World Cup 2018
- April 17, 2018

Last year, CS2 were thrilled to join forces with the All Things team. Since then we have featured articles and advertisements in the monthly publication of All Things Business and have recently appeared across social media during our video cameo appearances. Most excitingly of all CS2 will be sponsors of the Northamptonshire Business Awards in November and the fast-approaching Preview to Russia: World Cup event, taking place on Thursday 3rd May.
This Northamptonshire based event will play host to a variety of businesses from across the county, to celebrate the 2018 World Cup. Held at the Northamptonshire Country Cricket Club, businesses will join together, to entertain clients and employees in the presence of football superstars, Kelly Smith MBE, Ian Wright MBE and Bryan Robson OBE. After a champagne reception and three-course meal, the celebrity panel will offer their insight and predictions to the World Cup taking place this summer.
CS2 are honoured to sponsor this fantastic event, taking place in the home town of our Head Office. If you or your business would be interested in taking a table at this event on the 3rd May, Standard Table Packages are still available for as little as £900. Click here for more information.
CS2 look forward to an exciting year in partnership with All Things… Make sure to keep up to date with everything CS2 on our News and Events page!