CS2’s Tips for MIPIM 2018
- February 7, 2018

With just over a month until MIPIM 2018, CS2 are busy preparing for our time at the event. MIPIM is one of the biggest opportunities within the International Property Industry, gathering influential players from all over the world, in picturesque Cannes. Although the event is exciting and fun, it can often seem daunting to those attending for the first time. That’s why we have compiled a list of tips that we have learnt through attending 7 years in a row.
Organise your schedule – One of the most crucial parts to attending a conference such as MIPIM, is to plan, plan, plan! We recommend arranging your client list before xmas and beginning to contact these people in January. If you’re unsure of where to start, the MIPIM website has a vast list of everyone attending, which you can break down however you wish. It is also a great idea to head over to Social Media such as Twitter and LinkedIn where a lot of attendees will be shouting about the event! Slowly your diary will come together as you arrange more and more meetings – but remember always plan your diary in Cannes time, 1 hour ahead!
Find a reliable and local agent – A factor which has been a great help to us over the years, is gaining a contact who is local. By doing this, they are able to liaise with restaurants, bars in Cannes to book tables. They also have the knowledge of the location and quality of services of these establishments, which makes it a lot easier to source the best locations for your meetings. Not only this, but your reliable French contact has an advantage which a lot of us don’t – the language! These contacts are priceless, and people who you will keep re-booking year after year…
Business cards are your currency – One thing to bare in mind when planning for MIPIM is that you can never have too many business cards! Although this sounds like a very basic tip, business cards are an essential way of remembering who you have met during your jam-packed 3 days at MIPIM. We always suggest to our CS2 team members, to take a pen with them at all times, so that they can write a short description of where they met this person and possibly what they discussed. This will ensure when you get back to grey England, that you remember exactly who you met. You will be introduced to many people during the event, not just ones you have arranged meetings with – so do not underestimate how many business cards you’ll need!
Comfy shoes and close accommodation – In the past, the CS2 team have been known to walk 20,000 steps in one day at MIPIM! That is why one of our biggest recommendations is that your accommodation is situated within 10 minutes’ walking distance of 90% of your events. Don’t be proud of where your apartment is situated; just get it as close to The Palais as you can. After a busy day in MIPIM, the last thing you will want is a 20-minute trek back to your apartment…
Plan for every weather possibility – Although you may assume that it will be beautiful blue skies for MIPIM, the truth is there is no guarantee! Some years we have seen highs of 30 and others it has been raining and miserable… The last thing you want is to be shivering and cold as you host your Cannes Beach Lunches with clients. Take clothes for every weather eventuality and you will be fine – umbrella, rain-coat, sun cream and sunglasses will do just fine!
Lastly, go with an open mind and agenda – Flexibility is key to MIPIM and the more open to opportunities you are, the more you will benefit from this event. The conference is one of the most renowned and cannot be beaten for gathering as many people in one place, who are there for the same purpose – it also helps when everyone has a drink in their hand! In the madness of the four days, you will meet lots of people who you may not have planned to, so by having gaps in your agenda, it offers flexibility to make the most of your MIPIM experience!
If you’d like to find out more about what CS2 will be up to in MIPIM 2018 CLICK HERE