CS2 raise over £2900 for MacMillan Cancer Support
- October 1, 2018

This September, CS2’s property professionals from all over the nation took part in a variety of fundraising activities; all in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support. Unfortunately too many people are affected by cancer, including CS2 Director Alan Edge who was diagnosed with throat cancer earlier in the year. Due to this, CS2 made the pledge to raise as much money as we can for this worthy charity.
You may have already seen the before and after images of brave shavers Alan Edge and James McKenzie who bared all whilst taking part in Macmillan’s Brave the Shave campaign. The pair managed to raise an incredible £2250 between them and are amongst the 10,000 shavers who have altogether raised nearly £2million for MacMillan. You can read more about why Alan and James chose to support this cause here.
Alongside Alan and James, the CS2 Bristol Office have also been busy fundraising for MacMillan Cancer Care, as they took part in the 2018 South West Property Sportive. This event is a 100mile cycle ride across the South West, gathering hundreds of property professionals from all over the region. Not only did CS2 have a team of keen cyclists taking part in the challenge, we were also thrilled to be sponsors of the Start and Finish station throughout the event. You can read more about the challenge here. The Bristol team raised a fantastic £850 for MacMillan, making CS2’s total fundraising £3107!
A massive thank you to everyone who has already donated to CS2’s fundraising activities! If you haven’t already, you can donate to Alan’s page here, James’ page here and CS2 Bristol here. You can also watch James and Edgey’s shave via our Twitter page.