CS2 Tips: Get More For Your Money, Per SQM
- February 26, 2019

CS2 are experts in the management and delivery of refurbishments on behalf of fund management clients. A thorough understanding of the complexities of office fit out, landlord and tenant, occupation issues, spatial requirements and health and safety issues enables CS2 to provide a full service to bring either shell and core space to the market or to re-configure space ready for occupation. Our experience has led to CS2 working in partnership with fund managers to manage their portfolio assets.
What are the current key issues for fund managers to consider in regards to their portfolios?
- Future-proof your assets. Get ahead of government legislation and check that the buildings across your portfolio are energy efficient and above an F or G EPC rating.
- Improve the performance of the infrastructure of your properties through the refurbishment or installation of M&E services, increasing the value of your assets and making your buildings more attractive to let/re-let.
- Ensure that the building stock within your portfolio is able to offer the disaster recovery and back up facilities that will attract tenants.
How can fund managers get the most from the space within their buildings?
- Adjust your properties to support business change. For example, the trend towards open-plan offices and flexible working.
- Refurbish common parts to enhance your property stock and make it stand out in a competitive market.
- Plan maintenance projects and service upgrades and ensure the most efficient use of service charges to increase the value of your assets prior to lease-end.
Why work with CS2?
A core benefit of using CS2 is our in-house resources. CS2 is able to provide in-house workspace planning, cost consultancy and building services engineers alongside our project management expertise. This fully rounded team provides the following benefits to our fund management clients:
- Cost and time efficiency.
- Advice as to how to best mitigate costs when embarking on fit out works.
- A commercial approach to building services in terms of adding value to building stock.
For further information contact Alan Edge.