#WearItPink 2017
- November 2, 2017

This October, CS2 were proud to get involved with Breast Cancer Now’s campaign Wear It Pink. This widely recognised day is now one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK and has raised over £30.1million since it’s first event in 2002. All monies go towards the life-saving research from Breast Cancer UK, On the 20th October businesses, schools and communities across the nation, wore pink to support this cause. CS2 were proud to be part of this.
From Birmingham to Bristol, all of our offices made a unique effort to raise money for Breast Cancer Now. We began our campaign with our JustGiving page, sharing the fundraiser both across social media and internally. We asked the CS2 team to come into work wearing something pink, whether it be socks or bright pink bunny-ears. Thanks to the kind donations of Sainsburys and Morrisons, our Northamptonshire office conducted a bake sale. After overindulging in cakes, our head office in Northampton managed to raise a grand total of £81.60 for Breast Cancer Now. In our Manchester office, Secretary Max decorated the desks with pink balloons and ribbon and the team sported pink wigs and tu-tus to raise awareness for Breast Cancer. You can see Director, Ben Walker in his pink fairy wings over on our Instagram. Along with selling cakes, the Manchester Office also made a great contribution to our grand total raised across the company. Over in Birmingham, the team adorned handmade necklaces and enjoyed small gift boxes for a kind donation. All of this was lovingly co-ordinated by our Birmingham Office Secretary, Claudette.
We were honoured to have the opportunity to raise money for such a recognised and deserving campaign. You can read more about Breast Cancer Now and all of the work they do here.
CS2 #WoreItPink did you?