Net-Zero Carbon: What does it mean for your business?
- February 14, 2020

The last 12 months has seen a drastic rise in awareness and action against climate change, an issue that many now see as an emergency requiring immediate change. It is no big secret that the built environment is a significant contributor to this issue, with many businesses now looking to solutions.
Following the Paris Agreement being signed in 2015, various schemes have been introduced to steer the global economy towards a low carbon model, limiting increases in global temperatures. In response to this, the World Green Building Council’s 2018 Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment, launched its own Framework Definition for Net Zero Carbon buildings – this marks the beginning of the development of a whole life carbon approach for buildings.
But what can you do, and how can CS2 help?
With brands such as Ryanair, Sky and even HS2 and most local councils looking to comply Net-Zero targets, more businesses are taking actions to improve their carbon footprint. Although we understand that reporting may seem like an onerous and time-consuming task for most business owners, however it has been predicted that at some point in the future this will be a compulsory task. The best way to prepare for this task is in the collection of data, a fundamental part of achieving Net Zero Targets.
At CS2 we can work with you to really understand your portfolio, analysing the data that you already have and identify that which you still need to collect. Working to a five-step model:
Our energy and sustainability experts prioritise the works to ensure maximum gains in energy efficiency, deciding key factors alongside you and your stakeholders. For a full consultation about your business and how you can achieve Net-Zero Carbon, please contact our Energy and Sustainability Consultant James Cutter on / 0121 236 2222.