CS2: The rise in electrification within the UK
- October 26, 2020

This blog is focused on the rise in electrification within the UK, written by CS2’s Energy and Sustainability Consultant James Cutter.
“The UK is going through a period of electrification which will intensify in line with the phase out of fossils fuels in business, homes and transport. This increase in demand for electricity will require a significant increase in renewable power generation, particularly via localised microgeneration systems creating and delivering at a micro level. Long term stabilisation of government policy is essential to attract wider investment; coupled with financial support from central government to increase grid capacity for renewable energy at all levels is absolutely key to meet the overall target of a ‘0 Carbon Economy’ by 2050. Without the latter commitments in place for the next 30 years beyond the 2050 end goal, local authorities will struggle to provide Energy Security, Energy Availability and Energy Capacity to support businesses, transport, public services and homes.
It is should also be noted that renewable energy is one element of a mix of solutions to move towards being Net 0 Carbon, investment in Green Energy Efficient Buildings, increasing social understanding and strategic development of infrastructures to allow electrification will be key. Work to date in renewables is so positive for the UK, we need to stay on the right path and develop beyond expectations.”
If you want further information on this subject, please get in touch with our specialist Energy and Sustainability Consultant James Cutter here.