CS2 complete Pedal Paddle Peak 2017
- July 26, 2017

CS2 complete Pedal Paddle Peak 2017
On the 8th July, a team of four from the Manchester office took on Muscular Dystrophy UK’s adventure challenge to pedal, paddle and hike across the beautiful landscape of the Lake District.
How did you guys train for the event?
With weeks of training before the event, the Manchester team knew that the challenge would put their willpower and endurance to the test. “We each trained differently, some opting to hit the spinning classes and gym bikes whilst others chose to tackle the local hills by bike and foot. Although nothing prepared us for the cycle climb to the base of Helvellyn” – James Batey (Building Surveyor, Manchester)
How did the day go?
“We had a briefing the day before the event, where we were told what was to be involved and we were shown how the money we raised would be used. This certainly hit home as why we were taking part and spurred us all on. Each of us found different parts of the 3 events challenging. Coming down Helvellyn was the toughest part and we were grateful to get back on the bikes at base camp. We were all encouraged by each other, by the event organisers and other competitors taking part. We felt part of a larger group working with the same goal of completing the challenge and raising money for a great charity.” – William Harrison (Building Surveyor, Manchester)
“Myself and the rest of the team in CS2’s Manchester Office would like to thank everyone who sponsored us as we exceeded our £2,000 fundraising target, so far raising a total of £2,276!. We are delighted that this money is going to such a great cause and that we have been able to raise awareness for the cause in the process.” – Ben Walker (Director, Manchester)
For more info on the charity, click here