The importance of Good Ventilation and Fine Air Quality
- March 24, 2022

Good Ventilation and Fine Air Quality, is a major benefit to, and requirement of, our end Clients – the Building Occupants
It is also a Commercial Marketing Tool, an essential and major ‘plus’ with the volume of commercial space now available
Sage and leading government Scientists Chris Witty and Catherine Noakes, all Advise Businesses and Individuals alike, that Good Ventilation dramatically reduces the risk of inhaling air borne pathogens
Pathogens are the source of illness, the spread of covid-19, influenza, and the source of general reduced health, lower performance and absenteeism
Good ventilation is linked to improved work productivity, multiple health benefits, better sleep and fewer days off
CS2 Promote, Design and Specify Good Ventilation Systems where Fan powered Filtered and warmed Supply Air constantly Replenishes essential Oxygen, Dilutes Co2, Dilutes Moisture and Humidity
At the same time, Fan powered Extract Air Ventilation constantly removes moisture laden ‘stale’ air, removes the airborne pathogens and removes the virus and dust particles
The systems have Variable Fan Speeds, Energy Recovery, Cleanable Filters, are noise free in operation and have web access to Time clock controls
Further Information is available at
Good Ventilation and Fine Air Quality is a major benefit to, and requirement of, our end Clients – the Building Occupants
It is also a Commercial Marketing Tool, an essential and major ‘plus’ with the volume of commercial space now available.
Sage and leading government Scientists Chris Witty and Catherine Noakes, all Advise Businesses and Individuals alike, that Good Ventilation dramatically reduces the risk of inhaling airborne pathogens.
Pathogens are the source of illness, the spread of covid-19, influenza, and the source of general reduced health, lower performance, and absenteeism.
Good ventilation is linked to improved work productivity, multiple health benefits, better sleep, and fewer days off.
CS2 Promote, Design, and Specify Good Ventilation Systems where Fan powered Filtered and warmed Supply Air constantly Replenishes essential Oxygen, Dilutes Co2, Dilutes Moisture and Humidity.
At the same time, Fan-powered Extract Air Ventilation constantly removes moisture-laden ‘stale’ air, removes the airborne pathogens, and removes the virus and dust particles.
The systems have Variable Fan Speeds, Energy Recovery, Cleanable Filters, are noise-free in operation, and have web access to Timeclock controls.
Further information is available at