Air Conditioning and COVID-19
- August 25, 2020

CS2 have been working with our Mechanical Engineer Adrian Knight to offer advice to clients regarding Air Conditioning and COVID-19. In this blog, we summarise some of the guidance and information outlined by CIBSE which you may find helpful.
The risk overall is low
First things first, research and guidance confirm that the overall risk between air conditioning and the spread of COVID-19 remains low. However, there are steps that you can implement within your property to ensure this remains at an even lower risk. Taking the precautionary approach and with the summer weather in full swing; the main principle of the ventilation advice is “to ventilate spaces as much as reasonably possible with outdoor air”.
Changing Filters More Regularly
Although clogged filters are not a contamination source in themselves, they do reduce supply airflow which can have a negative impact on the ability “to remove and dilute concentrations of contaminant”. The recommendation is to change the filters in the A/C units and the central Ventilation Plant more frequently than normal – say every 2 months.
Extended Run Time
In buildings with mechanical ventilation systems extended operation times are recommended. Advice suggests leaving the AC units and Ventilation plant on extended run time. For example, changing system timers to start ventilation at nominal speed for “at least 2 hours before the building usage time and switch to lower speed 2 hours after the building usage time”. Thus, changing the air in the building during the evening / night / early morning.
CS2 can help offer advice and guide you to relevant resources regarding Air Conditioning and COVID-19. If you have any further questions on this subject or anything else, please feel free to contact us on or find one of our representatives in your local office here.